
today... 18/5/13

Sometimes it’s better to keep silent than to tell others what you feel
because it will only hurt you when you know they hear you but they can’t understand. :)


to: me xD

wan cry? 怪自己咯..我自己拿来的..haha..他不爱你就是不爱你,不要再勉强啦..haha..要祝福他...3 week liao lohh....放弃啦!人家不会爱你的啦...不要傻啦!自己多情罢了!hahahahahahahahahahahahaha 假开心?wo hen Happy!!!!:D :D


Boy : Hi baby !! How are you ?
I'm so happy today !!
Girl : Wait , I'll text you later , I'm still busy with my thesis .
Boy : Can you do it later ? Letter talk first . I miss you so much baby. Girl : I have to finish this on time ,
you know that .
Boy : Please baby , just this once ? You can finish that tomorrow .
Girl : What ??? Can't you understand this is my project !? Can't you give me time for myself ??
Boy : Sorry baby . I love you very very much . I'll just text you later . Boy : [ 1 hrs ago ] Hi baby , I can't stay long not texting you . I really wanted to talk to you .. I want us to be happy again .
Boy : Hi baby , still you are not responding to my texts . How's your thesis ?
Boy : Baby ... Please response ,
I'm worried already ..
Boy : Baby it's already 10pm .. It's been 2 hours but you are still not replying to my text . I miss you already , i love you so much !
Boy : Uhm baby .. I love you so much .. I'm just here for you
always .. The time is near that we'll always be together ..
Girl: Didn't I tell you I'll text you after I'm done with my thesis ?! Can't you understand that ?!?! Why is it so hard for you to get that I'm
BUSY ?? It's like there's no tomorrow .. you are overreacting .. WILL YOU JUST SLEEP ??
Boy : Sorry baby .. Ok . Goodnight baby .. I love you .. Take care of yourself always .. I'll always here to guide you .. I'm just here..
I'll never leave you ......

The NEXT DAY ....

Girl : Baby , wake up .. Sorry about what I've said last night .. i was
just really busy .. eat your breakfast baby , I'll be going to school now ..
Girl : Wake up baby , you still have classes to attend .. text me when you're awake .
Girl : Hey , why until now you're not
texting ? It's already our lunch break .. why didn't you attend your classes ? Don't you have phone credits ? Please text me ..
Boy : He left us already .. my son left me already .. your boyfriend
left you .. he already left those who are dear to him .. Did he tells you he's sick ? This was the 3rd
year his doctor gave him ... we thought it wasn't true .. Because no one can predict how long a person can live in this world .. but to our surprised , his heart didn't make it too .. We tried towake
him up this morning but he never
responded .. There was a message for you in his phone but he wasn't able to send it .. " Take care of yourself always , I'm happy where I am going .. please , don't
cry .. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my condition .. i don't want to bother you because I know how busy you are with your thesis .. i don't wanna add up to your worries .. I'm not sure if I'm lucky enough to still have a chance to wake up tomorrow but I'm always
praying that He'll give me a chance to see you and be with you everyday of my life .. I love you
so much ... i regret that we didn't have a chance to talk longer today .. but I understand you .. you might fail on your thesis if you won't be able to finish it .. I'm really really sorry ... and I love you very very much .. Please , promise me you'll be strong .. I'm by your side now ..
I'll always be here :') ♥

#Copy and paste :'D





我看回我们的chat...想到了我们的回忆...还记得我们刚认识的时候吗?我还不知道你要转来kkhs...我还记得我第一次看到你的时候是在拜五..那时候我还不知道是你..是doris和我讲是你来的..我真的吓一跳...晚上我就和你chat...我还记得我们还交换电话SMS..对我来讲这个回忆我永远不会忘:) 我还记得我们还没有在一起的时候..我们天天sms...那时候我真的很开心..我们在一起了两个月...我还记得星期6你提出分手..你讲你不像以前将爱我...我真的不明白你为什么你会将讲..那时候我的眼泪一直流...为什么在我最需要你的时候你离开了我? :'( 为什么? 我真的很不明白!我爱你你知道吗?我知道我没有资格讲爱你..爱你的人很多..我只是其中之一 :'( 有时候我觉得自己很犯践..我什么我会为了你买水给你..而且还给你朋友玩?我不知道你有没有在啦..我和doris走了很久才到fugui...如果我们给车撞还是给人抓..你会内疚吗?我觉得你不会...还进错路口...给狗zui你知道吗?我真的很后悔为什么我要将做...我还把我辛辛苦苦带给你的饮料丢...我听到真的很心痛..为什么你可以将忍心丢掉:'(

